1. What type of pet will you photography?
I will photograph dogs and possibly cats. 

2. Where will you shoot?
 I will shoot in the back or the front of the pet owners house.

3. What type of lighting will you use?
 Natural lighting.

4. What equipment will you need?
 I will need a camera, maybe a tripod.

5. What challenges will you encounter?
 The pets not staying still.

6. How will you overcome these challenges?
 By giving the pet treats.

7. Post an example for inspiration for your shoot. 

Explain what you like about the photo and how 

you will attempt to emulate or use for inspiration.
 This photo is a perfect example. I want to get a good close up photo where the dog is happy and showing his personality in the photo. I will attempt to play with the dog and get to know him|her as if i was this dogs friend so that they will show there personality.


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